September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut

Campus Events

Father Joseph Cheah’s talk on Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teaching

Written by Meral Komina

The Asian American community has faced numerous instances of discrimination and violence in such notable ways as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the prejudiced attacks they experienced during the Vietnam War, and the stereotypes perpetuated in the media today. This community continues to face discrimination and violence. Fr. Joe Cheah showed a 395% increase in Asian hate which started with former President Trump’s racist rhetoric about Covid-19 as the “Chinese Virus”. This rhetoric has infected the American body politic with virulent and violent anti-Asian racism, leading to hate crimes in all fifty states. 

On Monday, April 10th, Father Cheah (Often referred to as “Father Joe” by his students) presented on the topics surrounding his book, Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teaching. More people attended than anticipated. Two rows of seats were added, which was exciting. Most of the attendees were student-athletes, but President Free and a few professors attended as well. Father Cheah said that some people ask him why he wrote this book, and he said that question is like asking someone in Turkey why they write about earthquakes. Thus, it is a much-needed book in this time of another rise in anti-Asian sentiment. During the talk, Father Cheah taught the audience a bit about the history hidden from textbooks and schools. He also explained how Black and Asian Americans are racially positioned in American society and how the history of oppression and liberation are interconnected, indicating that when one racial group rises, the other does not. We need to change this pattern and instead work together to end the racial imbalance in our country. Finally, Father Cheah explained how, in media and pop culture, pervasive and destructive stereotypes have become a painful part of the Asian American experience. Father Cheah specifically talked about stereotypes like the perpetual foreigner, Yellow Peril, and the myth of the model minority. Americans need to come together to heal the hatred and division in America because the Asian American experience is an American experience.

Featured Photograph:Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teaching by Father Joseph Cheah.” Taken by Samuel Turgeon.

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