September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


Study Tips for Fall 2023 Finals: Avoid the Stress Now and Learn How to Get a Strong Start in the Spring

Written by Isabella Rusate

What if I told you that you didn’t have to cram information spanning over weeks in a matter of a few hours? That you didn’t have to be powered by caffeine and unfiltered anxiety? Here are a handful of tips to do well on your finals and even develop useful skills for next semester!


It’s no cliché! According to Cornell Health, taking purposeful breaks anywhere from five to sixty minutes can be just what your brain needs to revitalize and increase productivity. Junior Alyssa Parzych (Class of 2025) finds taking 15 minute breaks are the most effective for her.  She also advises, “drink lots of water, and [that] eating nuts like trail mix helps because they’re supposed to be a brain food.” Parzych sets alarms in order to remind herself when her breaks start and when it’s time to start studying again. Did you know taking breaks can also help with memory retention and performance? Our beautiful brains still work on problems even when we step away from our homework.


It’s a hard pill to swallow, but procrastination does have adverse effects. Besides leading to a lower overall GPA, it can take a toll on one’s mental health. Florida State University psychologists Dianne M. Tice, PhD, and Roy F. Baumeister, PhD, found that earlier in the term, procrastinators reported lower stress levels. However, later in the term, those same procrastinators reported higher stress levels and more frequently were ill.


Are you the type that dreads the group assignment, or perhaps the type that takes a leadership role? While some may work best alone, others may find themselves more productive when working with friends. Research finds that the more comfortable a student is, the better their overall performance in the classroom. If you find that working with friends helps keep you motivated, form a study group and start preparing!


The University of Saint Josephs wants to best prepare you for the future, and that starts with providing students with resources to get a head start on the path to success. The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) is a great place to start if you’re looking for some extra help. Their services include writing tutoring for presentations and papers, academic skills tutoring for guidance on time management and more, and content tutoring for a wide array of undergraduate classes. I talked with Sam Turgeon, a tutor at the CAE, and he shared some of his opinions about tutors: “Tutors are not scary. Your peers were in those classes once before and have had those same problems.” Tutors were in the same boat as you once, so they best know how to help work through the problems they may have encountered as well. I also took some time to discuss the benefits of the CAE with Heather Miller, Director of Academic Support. She shared, “While it feels like an extra step to go to the CAE for tutoring, working with a tutor is much more efficient than studying/working on your own. We help identify your strengths and areas you can improve on and then help you prioritize those areas so you are getting the most out of your time. The things you learn and the skills you build in tutoring are a huge boost to your success not only the one course you come to, but in other classes you take in the future, too.” She also wanted to note that there is a finals study guide available for students in the lobby of the CAE. Come on down to the CAE in the second floor library to grab your copy today!

Additional Study Tips From Heather Miller


Don’t be intimidated by these upcoming finals. This is a great opportunity to build study habits that can be honed and refined next semester. Start by tackling things in manageable pieces or even getting a full night’s sleep for a following day full of productivity. Best of luck to everyone taking finals!

Featured Image: Crista Fiala

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