September 18, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


Interpretations Fall 2023 Mini Publication Out Now!

On December 5, 2023, “Interpretations: USJ’s Creative Art and Writing Journal” held its December crafting event and distributed its mini fall publication! As this year’s senior editor, I decided to incorporate “mini” publications alongside the annual publication that comes out in April. The goal of these small publications is to celebrate the USJ community’s creativity and talent all year round. We have also held more consistent monthly events with crafts, writing prompts, and food. During the December event, we painted nutcrackers and snowmen, snacked on cookies and an assortment of appetizers, and warmed up with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Lacey Dargenio (Class of 2025) won an “Interpretations” mug and Hannah Fitzgerald (Class of 2024) won a stationery set for sending in submissions before December 1.

The mini fall publication features the work of eight different members of the USJ community: six current students, one alum, and one staff member. From poetry to photography, I hope you’ll pick up a copy and enjoy the small sampling of art and writing inside. Copies can be found in Lynch Hall. If you need help acquiring a copy, please email me at [email protected].

We are currently collecting submissions for the mini winter publication! Submissions will be due December 8, and copies will be distributed at the beginning of the spring semester in January. If you are interested in submitting something for this upcoming publication, please email your work to [email protected]. Thank you for supporting “Interpretations”.

Featured Image: Crista Fiala

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