September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


Campus Pulse Survey Initiative Measures Student Opinions At USJ

Written by Samuel Turgeon

USJ’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness has recently begun a new initiative called Campus Pulse They’ve scattered QR codes across campus that link to short one to two question surveys about campus life. The goal of Campus Pulse is to garner student feedback about a variety of different aspects of campus life, and all student answers are all anonymous.

Campus Pulse has collected results from two surveys so far. Their first survey asked students about their favorite food from the Dining Commons. They gathered 58 responses, primarily from undergraduate students, and 28 different foods appeared in the results. The top three answers were french fries, chicken tenders, and pizza. The second survey questioned students about what time of day would make Sunday Mass convenient for them to attend. This survey obtained a few more responses than the first, with 64 total responses. Again, mostly undergraduate students responded. The most popular answer, with 30 votes, was “I am unlikely to attend Mass.” The second most popular answer, with 21 votes, was “Sundays at 5pm.” The prevalence of students who are unlikely to attend Mass may be due to the large number of commuter students at USJ, as well as the number of students who may not be Catholic.

The third edition of Campus Pulse was recently distributed, and QR codes can be found scattered in various buildings on campus. The survey can be answered through these QR codes or through this link. Make sure to express your opinion so that improvements can be made on campus!

Featured Image: University of Saint Joseph

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