September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


How the Marketing Department Can Support Student Organizations

Written by Crista Fiala
Image: University of Saint Joseph Marketing Department

Many of the students who have noticed a recent decline in on-campus events are the same students who struggle to host meetings and events of their own. These students often find themselves flustered and unsure of how to drum up attendance. I recently met with USJ’s Director of Marketing and Communications, Liz Godbout, on behalf of the USJ News Nest to learn more about how student organizations can advertise on campus.  

In general, organizations can reach out to marketing and work with them to request advertising on: 

–     TV screens at different locations all over campus 

–     The Blue Jay Bulletin (Godbout reports that this weekly email has a 90% opening rate.) 

–     USJ’s social media accounts, such as Instagram or Meta 

–     LinkedIn (for more formal or professional stories and events) 

–     USJ Communications (which sends out a single email dedicated to one announcement)

Photo: “Center of Academic Excellence.” Crista Fiala

While not every student organization can request a personal USJ Communications email, the marketing department is more than willing to work with student organizations who want to optimize their advertising abilities. Director Godbout emphasized that the marketing department is ready to help problem-solve all sorts of issues, from outdated website pages to a lack of attention for an upcoming event. Students, faculty, and staff alike can take the first steps toward remedying their marketing needs by reaching out to the marketing department. Student organizations can start with an email to [email protected].

Featured Image: Crista Fiala

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