September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


The Return of USJ’s Student Government Association (SGA): Potentially Large Changes Underway

Written by Crista Fiala

“I feel that there needs to be more awareness of the SGA’s presence on campus,” wrote Belmin Uvalic who responded to the News Nest’s student government elections survey in early February. The USJ News Nest recently had the opportunity to interview newly elected SGA President Syed Ali, Vice President Maya Tomko, and Treasurer Jordyn Hunt. The members reported on why they ran for their positions and what they have accomplished so far this semester. President Ali also announced a potential major change in SGA’s structure.  

Why did you decide to run for your positions?  

President Ali explained how he has been an active SGA member since his freshman year. During his first year, he spearheaded the effort to pass the institutional resolution to recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day in place of Columbus Day on the university’s calendar. “I recognized the propensity to exact change through SGA and ran for the office of president simply as a means to continue the attitude that we hold the ability to create change and improve our institution,” said Ali. He remains determined to work with the study body and executive board who will continue to lead SGA’s efforts at USJ after he graduates this May. 

Treasurer Hunt told the USJ News Nest that she first became interested in how the position could mesh with her academics as she studies accounting. This will be her second year as treasurer. Two years ago, she first began working with SGA as one of the senators. Vice President Tomko relayed that she was extremely motivated to enact change and take on an active role making changes that students have voiced a desire for. All three members are highly motivated to advocate for USJ’s student body. 

What kinds of plans are in place to hold larger student body meetings? 

President Ali informed the News Nest that SGA plans to hold open forums for students to attend in place of larger student body meetings. The three members also recently held a forum in McGovern. “We went around the dining hall and talked to different groups of students to get their ideas about different topics for improvements,” said Treasurer Hunt.  

What has SGA accomplished so far this semester? What are you especially proud of? 

President Ali told the News Nest that he was proud of the First Responders Appreciation event and the open forum session held in McGovern’s Middle Dining. For the ever-persistent parking issue, SGA successfully advocated for students who struggle to find parking spaces to be able to park in the X-lot. Vice President Tomko was also proud to be able to advocate for students and provide additional parking. 

According to a recent News Nest survey, many students think SGA did not do enough marketing for the previous elections. How does SGA plan on improving their marketing efforts for elections and other future SGA events? 

The News Nest survey reports that 29 out of 41 of the undergraduate respondents were unaware that SGA elections had been held in December before taking the survey in January and February. For the next election, Treasurer Hunt explained that SGA plans to post more flyers around campus and work with USJ Communications to be more active on social media. SGA also plans to advertise for a longer amount of time before elections begin. President Ali added that they plan to put a marketing agenda in place for elections. He also said that it’s important for SGA to focus on marketing to make students are aware of the open SGA positions as well as elections.   

President Ali Announces Possible Major Changes to the SGA Structure 

Dean Dawson and President Free have told the News Nest in the past that issues with the Constitution and bylaws prevented SGA from running in the fall semester. Former President Alex Amoro had hoped to make the needed changes by the end of the 2022-2023 school year but did not. President Ali explained that SGA is still looking into adjusting the bylaws and Constitution and that many of the potential changes could impact SGA’s structure. “We have not made any definitive decisions. However, we are pondering upon an SGA model where there isn’t a senate body but rather every individual undergraduate student makes up the body of student government that is overseen by the Executive Board,” he said. When the News Nest asked Treasurer Hunt about reinstating the senate, however, she explained that SGA hoped to hold elections for the senate at the end of this semester or at the beginning of the next. President Ali also relayed how SGA no longer plans to work with clubs directly. If this plan were enacted, clubs would run with their e-boards independently, only directly contacting Student Affairs as needed.  

The USJ News Nest would like to thank the three new members of SGA for their interviews and all the undergraduates who responded to our survey at the beginning of the semester. Regardless of the plans that the current three-person SGA have in mind, the USJ News Nest believes that the SGA can only truly flourish after re-establishing the structure outlined in the current 2020 Constitution. SGA will not be able to change the Constitution and bylaws without a senate to vote on the changes. The USJ News Nest will keep you updated on SGA developments. 

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