September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


Lethal Company: The Game Taking the World by Storm

Written by Kaylee Zukowski

Your dream home is one that only the most wealthy could afford, a home you could only pay for if you worked for it. Somehow you got employed by a company that doesn’t care for your life, rather what you can give to them. You were sent into orbit in a spaceship, left to search the moons with your friends that suffer the same fate as you. The company gives you a daily quota to reach… and if you don’t… Your body will circle the moon’s orbits forever. They told you that it would be easy, that grabbing and selling stuff wouldn’t cost your life. However, they also didn’t tell you that there were other creatures that were on the planet. Or even that the one accepting your items would be a monster either. The fear that ran through your body when you saw that long-spiked tentacle come out from behind the window and grab your friend, only to toss him around until their blood was splattered all over the walls of the desolate facility. 

That day was when you realized that this job wouldn’t be what you thought it was. That’s probably also why they only had up to eight people on the ship at once because eight people going missing wasn’t as big of a deal as twenty. They probably only picked the naïve few who were willing to do anything for money. The job only got worse once you were running from creatures that they never told you about… or hiding from the turrets that would shoot you down if they saw you. Even your crew’s ship wasn’t safe. There was once a creature that looked like a dog that ate one of your buddies who was checking the monitors. Just like the tentacle back in the company, it tossed their body around while their low growls echoed in the ship. You were lucky enough to hide behind a cupboard that was in the ship to hold your supplies. For all you knew, everyone else was dead… At this point, the ship was empty, and you hadn’t heard from your other buddies… So you took off, thinking that you were the only one left… You didn’t know you left one of your friends to die on that planet… 

Lethal company was a game that I began seeing people play often on YouTube, and I took an interest in it. I had to figure out the controls first, so I started with an offline game, however, it doesn’t take very long to get the hang of things. The controls are easy, and you can set them to whatever you like in the settings, so regardless of how you like to play, you will be able to set it up accordingly. You can also play online with other people, but a stable connection is needed to do so.  

As I was playing through this game, I noticed a couple of things that were wrong with it. For one, some of the enemies that are located outside on the planet will glitch through the walls of the ship and eat you despite the fact you were safe. For instance, I was playing with a couple friends, and a giant’s hand clipped through the wall and grabbed me in the middle of the ship, which then led to him to kill me. Despite this, and a couple other glitches with getting stuck inside ship furniture, I found that the game was very fun. The game itself is inclusive to all, though some servers that people create will limit what age or what people are able to join their crew. You are able to chat with other players in the crew via microphone or text chat, though I’ve noticed that many players prefer to use a microphone instead (it makes it easier to communicate quickly). Overall, it’s a great game and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys action gameplay!  

Controls: 10/10 

Gameplay: 9/10 

Voice chat: 8/10 – sometimes can echo if not using a good microphone device 

Text chat: 8/10 – most people prefer mic but otherwise functions fine 

Featured Image by Zeekerss

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