September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


Letter to the Editor: Expanding Access to Mental Health Services in Schools Act of 2024

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you today to raise awareness about our St. Joseph community concerning a new policy that benefits school systems in geographically diverse areas. H.R. 7108, also known as Expanding Access to Mental Health Services in Schools Act of 2024, will increase the number of mental health service providers in schools by supporting states and high-need local education agencies.

Expanding mental health in diverse areas of the United States can start the conversation on mental health and its impact on students. According to, children who are diagnosed with mental health disorders may miss up to 22 days of school, which increases the risk of suspension or expulsion from educational institutions. Additionally, early identification and referral resources can create an environment in which academic institutions can discuss psychological health openly, and we can reduce stigmas associated with mental illness. According to research, creating comprehensive school mental health programs improves kids’ academic performance. It promotes social skills, leadership, self-awareness, and relationships with adults in the school and community.

I want to empower you to start the conversation and reach out to whoever you can to help this bill become law. This bill could make a big difference in the lives of many children. Let’s work together to make it happen. Look at the bill online and what it could offer to communities throughout the United States! To all those in helping fields, let’s advocate for the bill to make mental health services accessible to all.

~ Serena Hansen | Social Work ‘25

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