September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut

Banter Bureau

Banter Bureau Advice Column: Stress-Filled Student

Dear Stress-Filled Student,

I’m so happy you wrote to us. You had asked:

“How do you manage stress?”

What a question! Being in college we cannot avoid stress as we are upcoming adults learning the way of life. Life in 2024 is inherently stressful. So, while I’m no mental health professional, I have thought of a few helpful everyday tips for you!

First, I would identify the source of where stress is coming from. Is the stress coming from home life, school life, work life, or are there multiple areas where your stress has arisen from? By identifying where the stress is coming from, you will be able to move on to step two.

Second, I would create a list of tangible ways to rearrange the stressors. Is the stressor something or someone you can separate from? If not, instead of removing the unchanging stressor, add to your life. I know this may sound contradictory, however, by adding in activities like exercise, meditation, and a self-care plan, you may find it easier to manage your outlook on these immovable stressors. When it comes to exercising, this does not mean working out for a certain look or build for your body. Exercising for your mind is simply moving your body. This can include a walk in the park, finding gentle yoga moves, or even stretching your tense muscles.

For meditation, you do not have to sit criss-crossed and chant a mantra to quiet your mind. Sometimes, doing a deep breathing technique can be equivalent and just as helpful. I also suggest writing down how you may be feeling about your stressor. By doing so, you are already mastering your thoughts which may sometimes feel like chaos. We as people always forget ourselves and our basic needs. That’s why formulating a simple and easy self-care plan is very helpful when it comes to managing stress. This may include reading or finding a creative hobby. Your version of self-care is entirely up to you.

Please do, dear reader, be mindful of avoiding unhealthy coping mechanisms. I know it may be the easiest route to rely on a substance or person to relieve your stress. But be mindful of the dangerous long-term effects those resources have on you and the people around you. Remember, what works for one person might not work for another, so it might take some experimentation to find what works best for you. If you’re dealing with stress that’s affecting your ability to function in your daily life, it might be helpful to consult with a healthcare provider or mental health professional for personalized advice.

Remember to take care of yourself!


The Banter Bureau


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