September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


Dean Dawson Update: Sanitary Bins Installed & the Future of Student Government

Written by Crista Fiala

The USJ News Nest recently sat down with Dean of Student Life Brandon Dawson to cover some updates concerning student life and the Student Government Association (SGA). The interview transcript will be released in the fall 2024 semester, but the News Nest wanted to share some important updates before the end of this semester.   

  • In February, the USJ News Nest posted this article about the lack of sanitary bins. Dean Dawson shared that sanitary bins have now been installed in all of the women’s restrooms in McGovern Hall. 
  • SGA plans to hold elections for senate members and members of the main E-board (president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary) this upcoming fall. 
  • In the long run, SGA plans to develop a new Constitution and set of bylaws. The current Constitution has not been updated since 2020. It was problematically taken straight from another local university. Dean Dawson stated that the Constitution should be updated with our smaller campus in mind.  
  • Dean Dawson cited previous issues with finding one meeting time for all club representatives and senators to attend. Taking inspiration from the time he spent working at Cornell University, he envisions a student government with a Student Assembly where each student gets to vote instead of a senate.       

The USJ News Nest would like to thank Dean Dawson for taking the time to meet and speak with us. We look forward to sharing the whole interview in the fall.  

Featured Image by Crista Fiala

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