September 19, 2024

The Student Newspaper of the University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut


Arts Corner: May 4th, 2023

“Once Upon a Time” – Kaylee Zukowski

There was once a time when I used to be able to go out every summer and watch the sunset on a beach. However, lately, I find that there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done and take a second to allow myself to relax. I long to feel the sensation of the sand in my toes, long to hear the waves quietly wash away the remnant of the day. I wish that everyone would be able to sit and daydream as I had, allowing their worries from the week to melt away. It’s important to take breaks from the stress of reality and the events of each day.

“Memory Lane” – Kaylee Zukowski

This was inspired by the last exhibit of the Bruyette Museum, which had a path of sand, and along the way were many different kinds of doors. It reminded me of the pathway we take throughout our life and that’s where this was created.

There are different elements of life that are displayed in the drawing; Forgotten memories, emotions, death, loved ones, heartbreak, our goals and successes, and the parts ahead that we can’t recognize. The road is a long one but it’s worth it in the end.

“Blossom of Love” – Kaylee Zukowski

It seems that the realization of being in love with someone hits suddenly. You smile when they text and get sad when they don’t. You enjoy their presence and hope they feel the same about yours. However, sometimes you don’t recognize that you love or like them until someone asks you or comments: “So who got you smiling like that?” “I ship it.” “You guys would make a great couple.”

“Life in Autumn” – Kaylee Zukowski

Before the trees turn bare for the winter to come, the leaves change and send the message of the passage of time. Vivid colors of orange, red, and yellow light up the once-green foliage. Pumpkins grow to be harvested for Halloween, their stalks twisting and long. Stands for scarecrows to guard their crops are risen high, scaring off the pesky critters that come during the day. The memory of life in Autumn.

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